Solar Power

What is Solar?

Solar is the conversion of sunlight into electricity. This conversion can be direct by using photovoltaics, or indirect by using concentrated solar power.


  • Reduced energy usage
  • Tax rebate from the state
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Helps to sustain grid health
  • Renewable energy source
  • Increase your home’s value


  • Weather dependent
  • High initial capital costs
  • Greater amount of maintenance for panels
  • Systems only produce 85% of total rating

Interconnected or Off Grid?

Interconnection Requirement List

  • Currently have and maintain a $100,000 insurance policy
  • Add CFEC as “additional interest” on insurance policy
  • Provide page from policy declaration showing CFEC listed for records
  • Pay $100 interconnection fee, or arrange for solar contractor to do so
  • List of materials to be Installed
  • Site plan
  • PV layout
  • Single line diagram
  • Proof of state certification
  • Proof of state electrical license (If a subcontractor is used)
  • Wiring compliance letter (All local regulations/codes met)
  • Copy of county permit
  • Final approval by the county
  • Final approval by utility
  • Test equipment
  • Obtain signed interconnection contract
  • Install bi-directional meter
  • Obtain $100 Fee
  • Update all records for the account and billing
  • Maintain file for PV array for the account

Interconnected Photovoltaic Solar Example






The Process


Contractor & Design

Once you find a contractor, they will design a system that fits your needs and energy usage. At this point, CFEC must be notified of installation.


Contract & Installation

After you sign a contract with them, installation will begin.

Obtain from Contractor:

  • Final approval by utility
  • Test equipment
  • Obtain signed interconnection contract
  • Install bi-directional meter
  • Obtain $100 Fee
  • Update all records for the account and billing
  • Maintain file for PV array for the account



After paperwork has been provided, CFEC will obtain a contract with the member (for interconnected systems only) and change the meter. A fee of $100.00 is required for interconnection.


Installation of New Bi-directional Meter


Final Checklist with CFEC

  • Final approval by utility
  • Test equipment
  • Obtain signed interconnection contract
  • Obtain $100 fee
  • Update all records for account and billing
  • Maintain a PV array file for the account.



Excess kWh’s will be bought back at avoided cost of *4.1¢ per kWh. This will be calculated into your monthly bill. *Rate subject to change.