Add-On Services

Enhance Your Service with the Safe & Secure Package


ExperiencelQ manages all your family’s devices and content access from the Fiber by Central Florida My FiberlQ app. You can customize what is appropriate to keep your family safe online.

Protect IQ

Enjoy online peace of mind while we keep watch for intruders.

ProtectIQ is your 24 hour, 7 days a week internet watchman. With multi-layered protection, even your most vulnerable devices like smart TVs, thermostats and Wi-Fi cameras are protected before issues happen. ProtectIQ puts a shield between your devices and bad actors, stopping threats before they ever make it to your devices. ProtectIQ is integrated in your Wi-Fi router and accessed through the MyFiberIQ app.

Wi-Fi Extenders

The Wi-Fi extender can boost the Wi-Fi signal in the harder to reach areas of your home. Extenders come from the same line of products used to generate your fiber internet service and automatically switch your device to the strongest connection as you move throughout the house.

Static IP Address

A Static IP address may be useful if you host a website from home, have a file server in your network, use networked printers, forward ports to a specific device, run a print server, or use a remote access program. Because a Static IP address never changes, other devices always know exactly how to contact a device that uses one.

Residential Fiber Information Packet (PDF)